XYZ Tower


*PHENOMENON: Observable occurrence, any event that is observable

In today’s nanotech society, phenomenon is almost lost. In the XYZ tower, we are calling it back, in the larger sense of the word ‘observation’, to be the trivial part of human experience via long forgotten bodily senses. Extensions to our bodies, the cameras, tablets, smart phones with their incredible capabilities to register what is around us do not surprise us anymore. Ironically, what is magical for us today, especially to kids, is the phenomenon itself that is shining to our bare eyes.


Çanakkale, Turkey

Construction Area

2.500 m²


Çanakkale Governorship

XYZ tower is both an object to be observed from out, and a subject to observe from within. The functions it assumes while holding the Antenna up in the air, are those of our pocket devices, blown up to building scale enveloping our physical bodies as if we are strolling inside these machines.